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Premium Alaska CV Model

Original price was: $6,93.Current price is: $4,56.

A CV to present your products and services in the best way. Don’t go unnoticed!

Launch offer!
Thanks to the Alaska resume you can display your products and services, definitively your experience, in a visual and unique way.

This Cv template comes with a Powerpoint versión and its corresponding Indesign model. Its versatility allows you to make edits to make sure you are the perfect person for the job application.

The Alaska CV comes in 3 original colours and has different fonts that can make your CV stand out even more.

Alaska CV characteristics:
• Edit in Adobe Indesign and Powerpoint
• Use it with freewares like Open Office
• Prepared page size so it will print as A4 or save as a PDF
• Available in 3 colours
• Visual design that is easy to edit
• Includes a variety of symbols for you to personalise the template to what you want
• Includes fonts that you can easily choose from on your computer

*Note: we recommend you instal the fonts before editing the cv template




Discover this amazing cv template and get the job of your dreams. The design of this cv es visually pleasing and allows you to add potos, design, your products and services in a well-displayed form. Present yourself and your successes in a unique visual way to grab employer’s attention.

This template is completely editable and has the purpose of making your life simple so you can collocate your education, work experience (national and international), skills, availability and hobbies. It comes in two forms: Indesign and Powerpoint but you can also edit it in Open Office if you need. It is the perfect way to apply for that amazing job!